Corey Rust here for Envi Adventures.

Yeah, that’s right…we were awarded the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence. What does that mean? Not a clue, but apparently it’s something important. No matter. We’re going to ride this wave as long as we can.

In truth, this certificate means that we’re considered one of those “must-do’s” when visiting Portland. The secret to our excellence?


None of our experiences would be possible and certainly wouldn’t improve without the valuable feedback we receive from the amazing and incredible people from all over the world that come fly with us.

We’ve been given the unique opportunity to fly with people from every inhabited continent and almost every U.S. state. With visitors from Australia to South Africa, and Brazil to Ireland, we have had such a great time getting to know you awesome people. We love where we live, we love where we fly, and we love sharing it with you!

When the world comes to Portland, they want to see the Columbia River Gorge. And the best way to see the Gorge? Envi Adventures.

So no matter where you’re from whether it’s Paris, Idaho or Paris, France, we love that you choose to fly with us and we are always looking for ways to get better. Any tips? Send them to and let’s make this Certificate of Excellence thing a tradition.

–  Corey

We look forward to flying with you!

Get in touch with us and we will get back to you with answers to any questions you might have about our scenic flights!